Most Employees Don’t Report Bullying in Workplaces


Most Employees Don’t Report Bullying in Workplaces

Most Employees Don’t Report Bullying in Workplaces

In many workplaces, reporting any kind of bullying done by co-workers, employers, or other workers has been shut off by themselves. This may be due to a variety of reasons such as job, people, friends, public image, and so on. Even some others might be afraid of facing further steps. It is an important thing to be noticed by the HR department to make sure their employees are safe and good. HR Available shows more reasons why this is to be done comfortably.

The most important thing to make employees safe is making them aware of to make them aware about the issue of mishappenings that might prevent them from doing their job. And make them comfortable to speak up for themselves. HR Available finds it’s not an easy task. While you try to collect information about the workplace, you might not get it clearly. Did you ever notice that? Mostly issues like discrimination and harassment affect an employee’s work and their mental strength.

Snapshot on wrongdoing report

Employees hold themselves inward from reporting any wrongdoings that happened in their workplaces. But when a survey was conducted, the list from them was never-ending. Most of the employees face bullying, harassment, and discrimination regularly. They normally report more on the least wrongdoings than the peak ones. This is the main reason companies are not able to figure out the wrongdoings in workplaces, say HR Available.

Reason for not reporting

As we all know, the result of reporting wrongdoings in workplaces against bullying is sometimes critical. It might be the fear of further working days in that company, afraid to open up, low confidence, low trust, or less clarity on the issue. Or they may have seen somebody to report on the same issue before and aftereffect – like firing, demotion, shaming. But instead, any fraud cases arise, people may form teams and further proceed for actions. Because this may affect the overall life of the company as well.

Encourage Employees to react

There are some ways we can make the employees speak up about their wrongdoings.

  1. User-friendly reporting: Building a user-friendly channel for reporting can be made useful for the employees to speak up without fear.
  2. Anonymous reporting: If an employee is afraid to speak up about their issue directly, an anonymous reporting procedure like a complaint box, google forms and likewise options can be done.
  3. Leadership quality: A team leader must encourage their team members to speak up in needed situations. A leadership quality for it needs to be built up in them.


Shifting the old culture to encourage reporting of wrongdoings in organizations is useful to a high extend. HR Available suggests protecting the affected people and makes a way to approach the respective person without fear.

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