How to improve your power of observation?


How to improve your power of observation?

Observation is a very important life skill. Observation is the process of paying attention to something and recording what you see.

Every person has observation skill but we don’t know the power of observation. It increases your awareness and makes you smart. It also enhances your analytical performances and improves your personal relations.

Observing closely is the action of analysing things in detail. Powers of observation is the ability to notice minute and significant details. Observation in terms of science can be the collection of certain data or values recorded by any scientific instrument during a science activity. Observation can be of many things, from scientific instruments to the human consciousness.

Developing powers of observation is similar to developing critical observation skills. Critical observation is the ability to notice delicate or difficult-to-analyse details. Using observational methods requires you to write up detailed field notes, to record what you have witnessed and why this is meaningful. This becomes your raw data.

All of us engage in noticing, watching or monitoring the people around us; however, these observations are often spontaneous and momentary rather than deliberate or prolonged. They are usually driven by our curiosity, uncertainty or a desire to increase our understanding of a person or situation, and most often occur in an informal way.

The field of management development has taught us that understanding how to use observation in a formal way is actually an excellent skill which all managers should isolate and polish.

Carrying out observations for a specific purpose requires managers to focus on the behaviours being demonstrated by others, and to monitor and record what they do and say in particular situations.

Formal observation is therefore a skill that allows managers to gather critical knowledge on others and is far more sophisticated a method of monitoring performance than most realise.

Apart from using observation as a specific data collection technique, well developed observation skills will serve you well in all aspects of qualitative research.


Highly successful Innovators including artists, designers, scientists, and entrepreneurs, tend to be keen observers of the world around them. Observing is one of the keys to creativity and discovering opportunities for innovation.

How do we improve our power of observation?

Increase awareness

The first and most important step is that your mind should be open enough to gather information from your environment. Take a few moments every day, and just pause. Sweep your gaze over your field of vision. Try to notice as many details as possible. This will train you to pay more attention to your surroundings. Every activity in your personal or professional life has something to offer you that can enhance your information level. Pay attention to even small details rather than noticing only the larger objects.

Be in the present

It is easy to become distracted by intrusive thoughts, gadgets or noisy environments, but these can make you less observant. Try to focus on the situation or activity you are exposed to right now in the present moment rather than wavering your thoughts into the past or future.

Sit in a public place and watch

Take a few minutes to sit in the park, library, or shopping mall. Really see the people around you and pay attention to what they’re wearing, how they’re walking, and the interactions they have with others.

Be Mindful

Try to pick a time to relax in a quiet, peaceful place. Close your eyes and let the muscles be relaxed. Try to stop all of the activity in your mind, instead focus on your breathing and the sounds and smells around you. If your mind begins to wander, gently pull yourself back to the present and stay there for 15 minutes or more.

Use all your senses

Never ignore new sounds and smells, try to guess what it is. If possible, investigate the source to see if you were right or not. As you eat, try to identify all of the different sensations in your mouth. To do this, chew and taste your food for a few seconds before swallowing. Pause for two or three seconds between each bite. Feel objects with your eyes closed to improve your sense of touch.

Improve your memory and recalling power

You need to train your brain for a sharp memory and recalling power. To achieve this, you can indulge yourself in different brain games like puzzles, cryptograms, Rubik’s cube, chess, etc. These games can not only help sharpen your memory but also stimulate and boost your powers of observation, logical thinking and reasoning.

A strong observer will notice, analyse, and remember their surroundings using all five senses. If you want to become more observant in your daily life, take time each day to study your surroundings. Engage not only your sight but also your other senses so that you can become more mindful in your daily life. You should also work on improving your memory so you can recall all of the little details that you notice. With daily practice, your powers of observation may become stronger within a few weeks.

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